by Seton School | Apr 27, 2017
Order your 2016-2017 Yearbook today! Order the yearbook by going directly to the yearbook link:, enter Seton School in Manassas, and click on 2017 Yearbook or you can print the order form below and turn it into the front office. All orders must be placed...
by Seton School | Apr 27, 2017
Flyers Seton Classroom Driver Education...
by Seton School | Apr 26, 2017
Costumes If you took your costume home, please keep all pieces together, preferably in a garment bag hanging up (not all crumpled in a heap….) Boys, please check to see if you have a Nazi costume that is not yours. Sebastian O’Keefe’s went missing...
by Seton School | Apr 24, 2017
Seton’s VEX Club participated in the VEX Worlds Robotics competition over the Easter Break. They had a record of 6 wins and 4 losses against the best in the world. Congratulations, well...