SCHOOL CLOSED: Seton School will be closed on Wed, Feb. 12.


Academic Life

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7

Spiritual Formation

Give to the Lord, you families of nations, give to the Lord glory and praise: Give to the Lord the glory due His Name!
1 Chronicles 16:28-9


Whatever else you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Seton Athletics


And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:40

In His infinite mercy, God has chosen Seton School to be one instrument by which people can hear the Truth.

“Let His Will of the present moment be the first rule of our daily life and work.”

– St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Promoting high academic standards, excellence in conduct, close cooperation with parents, and a multitude of activities for all students…all done by the Grace of God and all for His glory.

Seton is a private, co-educational school operated by Catholic laymen and women dedicated to promoting the tradition of Catholic secondary education. Seton offers personalized instruction, regarding each child as of infinite value in the sight of God and therefore deserving of our best efforts to meet his/her individual needs.

“It was during high school at Seton School that the cradle Catholic began to own his faith.  “That’s where I fell in love with (it) – the philosophy, the theology, the sacraments,” he said.  “To be surrounded by all these teachers and parents trying to live their faith – that example had a huge impact on me.”

Sean O’Hare

“Seton School…is a college prep school with outstanding teachers in Religion, English, Science, Math, Arts, and Foreign Languages. Every student can participate in sports, theater, a variety of clubs, and community service.  There is a firm commitment to learning humility and developing courage…”

The Dalrymple Family

“Wonderful doesn’t say enough. I can’t imagine having my kids at any other school. The community is great, the teachers are great, and the authenticity of the corporate witness to the Catholic faith is amazing.”

Vincent Terreri


Seton School’s 50th Anniversary!

Seton School’s 50th Anniversary!

"Blessings without number and mercies without end..."Seton's 50th Anniversary Gala was held on Friday, November 1st at the Foxchase Manor in Manassas, VA. It was a glorious evening where more than 740 Seton alumni, parents, teachers, staff and friends of Seton...

Seton is Pro-life

Seton is Pro-life

2025 March for Life, Courtesy of Paul Fifield2025 March for Life, Courtesy of Haley FifieldRight to Life Holy Hour Seton School on Jan 22, 2025The theme for this holy hour is the right to life. So in addition to praying a Chaplet of Mercy for the success of the March...

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