Student Handbook and Dresscode

Give to the Lord, you families of nations, give to the Lord glory and praise; Give to the Lord the glory due His Name! Bring gifts, and enter His presence; worship the Lord in holy attire. – 1 Chronicles 16:28-9

Download the official Seton School Handbook below:

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The  Seton Handbook, Purpose, and Mission:

Our young people cannot announce the Good News unless they have heard it. They need to hear it in their homes and in. They need to hear it in their homes and int heir schools. In His infinite mercy, God has chosen Seton School to be one instrument by which young people can hear the truth. All of us at Seton would be the first to admit that we are weak instruments indeed, but we take consolation in St. Paul’s words, “God uses the weak things of this world to put to shame the strong.” The good that Seton does is done by the grace of God, and through God’s generosity this good will spread far beyond the walls of Seton…. Please remember Seton’s educational apostolate in your prayers, for without Him we can do nothing.


Discipline produces self-discipline; self-discipline cultivates confidence, strength, and success in all aspects of life, including work, school, athletics, relationships and most importantly, faith. For children and young adults especially, it gives them the power and inner strength needed to overcome many of life’s major challenges. A fair and solid Disciplinary System, coupled with thorough and consistent enforcement of it, lays the foundation for developing self-discipline throughout the student body, and fosters Seton’s mission to create a focused and productive Catholic learning environment.

Uniform and Dress Code

Dress Code Philosophy

Students show respect for their school and themselves by taking pride in their appearance. A dress code reflects the values of the institution that establishes the code. As long as a student is enrolled at Seton School, he/she should represent and reflect the image of the school.


  • In the formation of mature, educated, Christian adults, students must possess personal discipline and modesty.
  • The sacrifice and effort required to adhere to a uniform dress code policy on a daily basis is an outward expression of the discipline necessary for academic success and spiritual growth.
  • In an effort to boost school pride, the dress code allows students to be identified as members of the Seton community while on campus as well as when traveling to and from school.
  • A dress code focuses on equality and a sense of belonging and thus helps to eliminate competition to “out-dress” other students.
  • Seton has four dress codes (Uniform, Out-of-Uniform Day, Activities, and Casual Dress) that are outlined in the following pages.
  • Final decisions about student dress reside with the director and faculty.
  • Adapted from Pope St. John Paul the Great


Ordering Uniforms

Seton School has two options for ordering uniforms: Flynn and O’Hara and Lands End.

Flynn & O’Hara School Uniforms

Flynn & O’Hara skirts do not parallel traditional skirt sizing. They are sized by waist measurements. All skirts come with a 2” hem. Order by July 1st to ensure delivery before the first day of school. Remember to identify yourself as a Seton family so that you will order the correct skirt. 3 easy ways to order: 1. Visit the Service Center, Fair City Mall 9650 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 503-5966 2. Order Online at and follow the on screen directions 3. Order by Phone Toll Free   1-800-441-4122 Monday-Friday 9-5, Saturday 10-2. Click on the image for more information.


Lands’ End School Uniforms

Approved Girls’ skirts are listed on the Lands’ End Uniform website. When ordering from Lands’ End make sure you use preferred school # 900057647 and identify yourself as Seton family. 2 Easy ways to order: 1. Order online at http://www.landsend. com/shop/school-uniforms/-/N-g54 Use preferred school # 900057647 2. Order by Phone Toll Free   1-800-963-4816 *Lands’ End items can be ordered and tried on at any participating Sears store as well.

Download our official Uniform and Dress Code below:

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