Course Scheduling for the 2024-2025 School Year has begun!
Workshops will take place during the student’s English class. See the schedule below.
Important Information About 2024-2025 Course Scheduling (PLEASE READ)
-An overall grade point average of 77% and 26 credits are required for graduation.
–Prerequisites: Students may not sign up for courses for which they have not completed the required prerequisites. If a student intends to take the prerequisite before the fall term, i.e. during the summer months, the student will need to complete an outside course form including required signatures and the final transcript needs to be turned into the front office by August 2. See the Guidance page on the Seton website. Transcripts for the completed prerequisites must be presented to the registrar BEFORE students are scheduled for the next level. Please note the new pre-requisite for Biology/Adv Biology: students may not sign up for Biology/Adv Biology unless they have already taken Algebra I.
–Choice #s: Once a student has selected the classes he/she wants, the student must identify choice #s next to every class that is not a required class. PLEASE NOTE: there are 7 class periods in a day plus lunch; therefore, forms should have at least 10 selections made with choice #s identified (this includes 3 alternate choices). It is imperative that alternate choices are identified in the event that a student does not get their first choice or a conflict exists between two classes. Many classes especially our ½ credit classes have limited space. Priority will be given to Seniors, then Juniors, etc. Any additional info that helps identify what the student wants should be written on the course scheduling form.
–Course Selection: Think and plan ahead to include courses needed for particular colleges or careers. It is recommended that students take AP exams and a challenging curriculum if they are planning to apply to competitive colleges and for academic scholarships. Most colleges like to see, and some require, 4 years of mathematics, social studies, foreign language and/or science.
–Study halls do not enhance a student’s transcript and may not promote learning if the student is too distracted to accomplish much studying. Only one study hall per year is permitted. Consider signing up for one of our many electives instead. These classes require minimal outside class work and will help a student’s GPA while earning credit.
–GPA/Outside Courses: All grades for Seton high school courses, including high school courses taken in junior high, will be averaged into the student’s high school GPA and recorded on his/her transcript. Approved high school courses not taken at Seton will receive credit as soon as the final transcript has been submitted to our registrar. The grades for such courses will NOT be averaged into the student’s GPA; however, the course will be listed on the student’s transcript. If a student has taken or is taking a course(s) outside of Seton please note that on his/her form and submit the final transcript as soon as it is available.
-Seton offers summer school remedial courses for students who have failed a course (students need to have received at least a 55% or the course needs to be retaken) and/or would like to reinforce what was learned as well as improve their cumulative GPA. Both the summer remedial class and the original class taken will be displayed on the student’s transcript along with the grades received. The cumulative GPA includes the average of the grade received in the summer with the grade received at the end of the year (only 1 credit is given).
–Auditing a course is available only to seniors with permission of the instructor. Requests to change from a credit course to audit status must be submitted by the end of the 1st quarter. Auditing requires students to participate in class and take notes. Class appears on transcript as Audited and no credit or grade is given.
–Teaching Assistants (TAs) are available to Seniors only. TAs play a supporting role in the classroom and work under the lead teacher’s supervision to give students added educational support and instruction. Interested students need to fill out the TA form, attend a training meeting, and get all the necessary signatures. TAs do not earn credit or a grade, but the TA position will be noted on their transcript.
Course Scheduling Forms
High School Form
8th Grade Form
7th Grade Form
4-Year School Plan Form
TA Form (Seniors Only)
Course Scheduling Information
Important Information for Course Scheduling
2023-24 Course Catalog
Why should I sign up for DE Stats?