by Seton School | Nov 10, 2016
We are taking bids on the full size ads on the Back Cover, Inside Front Cover and Inside Back Cover of the Program/Ad Book for the spring musical! Minimum bid for the Back Cover of the Program/Ad Book: $400 SOLD! Minimum bid for the Inside Front Cover: $350...
by Seton School | Nov 9, 2016
On Monday, October 31, Seton School took a pilgrimage for the Jubilee Year of Mercy. We traveled by bus to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, where we passed through the Holy Doors to gain the Jubilee indulgence. We also had a guided tour of the...
by Seton School | Nov 7, 2016
Please bring in your Thanksgiving Dinner Items by this Friday, November 11th to help local families in need. Our goal is at least 40 canned Items per Religion Class. Each CLASS is assigned one food item per class. There will be boxes labeled in the Corpus Christi...
by Seton School | Nov 5, 2016
Sunday, November 6, 2016 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM Families interested in joining our Seton community are invited to attend our Open House on Sunday, November 6 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. The Open House provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the philosophy...