Please bring in your Thanksgiving Dinner Items by this Friday, November 11th to help local families in need. Our goal is at least 40 canned Items per Religion Class. Each CLASS is assigned one food item per class. There will be boxes labeled in the Corpus Christi Center and the Lobby of the Main Office for the collection of CANNED/BOXED GOODS. Cash Donations for a Frozen Turkey ($2 to $5 per student or teacher).Please, put the money in an envelope and give to the MAIN OFFICE with the memo OPERATION TURKEY.
$2 to $5 donation per person for Turkey Money: TEACHERS/12th Grade RELIGION & 11th Grade Boys
Boxed/ Bagged Stuffing-7th Grade Girls
Boxed/Bagged Mashed Potatoes-7th Grade Boys
Canned Sweet Potatoes-8th Grade Girls
Canned Cranberry Sauce-8th Grade Boys
Canned Corn- 9th Grade Girls
Box/Bag of Corn Bread Muffin Mix-9th Grade Boys
CANNED Gravy (NO GLASS) – 10th Grade Girls
Canned Green Beans-10th Grade Boys
Canned Pumpkin PIE Filling-11th Grade Girls
Any Questions? Contact Mrs. Pogue or Mrs. McDonald