The Good Samaritan Club is sponsoring “Operation Christmas Child” at Seton. This project provides Christmas gifts for needy children ages 2-14 around the world. Here is how it works:

  1. Pick up an empty shoe box from the hallway to the chapel.
  2. Fill the shoebox with one larger toy and some small toys, hygiene items and school supplies.
  3. Include a note that says what gender and age group your box is for 2-4, 5-9, 10-14.
  4. Add a picture of you/your family and/or a personal note (optional)
  5. Return the filled box back to the chapel hallway by Friday, NOVEMBER 18th! Extended to Monday, November 21st!
  6. Give $7 to the front office to cover the international shipping charges. You can give cash or make checks out to “Seton School” with OCC on the memo line. 

For more information see Jodi Vallimont or other members of the Good Samaritan Club.

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