On Saturday, August 19th Seton School will host an orientation for all new students.
Incoming 7th Graders

On Saturday, August 19th, Seton Junior High Staff will host an orientation morning for all incoming 7th graders. This will be great opportunity to get a positive head start on the school year. The orientation for the new students and their parent(s) will start at 9:00 in the JPII Gym with the distribution of a welcome bag with the student’s class t-shirt, class schedule, an explanation of the planner, and talks from various staff members. The assembly should end at 10:15. After the assembly, the students will run through their daily class schedule in mini versions of their classes with their teachers, visiting the chapel, activities in the gym, and concluding with frozen treats before pick-up at 12:45 p.m.

* Parents can leave after the opening assembly and return for pick up at 12:45.

**Various snacks will be provided during the student’s allotted lunch time.

ATTIRE: Boys should wear pants, polo shirts, and tennis shoes. Girls should wear pant/capris, shirts/ blouses with sleeves and tennis shoes.
(No shorts, jeans, flip-flops to promote an academic atmosphere and safety during the group activities.)

Incoming 8th-12th Graders

On Saturday, August 19th Seton School will host an orientation morning for all new students and their parents. The morning will include an opening assembly with staff in JPII Gym and a tour of the school buildings. The orientation will start at 9:00 in the gym and will conclude around 10:45 after the tour led by Student Government Representatives.

ATTIRE: Boys should wear pants, polo shirts, and tennis shoes. Girls should wear pant/capris, shirts/ blouses with sleeves and tennis shoes.

We look forward to seeing you!


Seton School Manassas, VA
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