School News, Events, and Articles


VEX Championship

VEX Championship

2019 Virginia VEX Champions On Saturday 9 November 2019 Seton hosted the first-ever Seton VEX tournament in the All Saints Parish Activity Center. Forty teams competed and one of Seton’s teams was on the Championship alliance!

College Workshop for Juniors

College Workshop for Juniors

  On Wednesday Evening, Nov. 6, the guidance department held a college workshop for all Seton juniors. Special guest speakers came to speak from Christendom College and GMU and spoke to the juniors about the college application process, what colleges look for in...

Seton School Open House

Seton School Open House

Sunday, November 3, 2019 from 2:00 - 4:00 PM Families interested in joining our Seton community are invited to attend our Open House on Sunday, November 3 from 2:00 - 4:00 PM. The Open House provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the philosophy and academic...

Seton Swimming in the News!

Seton Swimming in the News!

Check out the profile of Seton Swimming that will be in the November issue of Swimming World Magazine, the leading swimming magazine in the United States.   SETON SWIMMING GETS WELL-DESERVED RECOGNITION! Congratulations to Coach Koehr, the dedicated parent...

Belles on their Toes

Belles on their Toes

Delightful is the word for the fall play last weekend.  It was such a treat to see the synergy among the Gilbreth children.  Each of the other characters filled their roles perfectly.  There was just enough pathos to make the comic scenes even more hilarious.  Thank...

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