Summer Office Hours: 10-12, M-Th
Office will be closed June 26 – July 4.
Academic Schedule
2023 Summer Reading List
Grammar Workshop
One Camp to Rule Them All!
Sign Up HERE
Coach Vander Woude’s Basketball Camps
Mr. Hoffman’s VEX Tryouts
Drivers Education Forms
Volleyball Camp
Mr. P’s Hot Shot BB Camp
Mrs. Hurley’s Summer Math Tutoring
Summer Reading Rewards!
Read books this summer and earn prizes when you go back to school! And you don’t just have to stick with literature books! Nonfiction, fiction, scientific, and historical books are all eligible. See the flyer below for requirements and rewards information.
Parents, stick notecards in a handy spot, so students can write down the books that they have read with the information, and then you can sign each card!
If you are in need of book suggestions, check out these Catholic resources: